It's the little things that can cost your years of effort to build your brand image. A prominently branded vehicle blew past me on a speed-restricted country road the other day. Not only was the driver seen to be exceeding the speed limit by 50 - 100 %, he also overtook on a solid line and tailgated numerous other drivers on the road. Joggers, cyclists, horse riders, dogs and other drivers were certainly at risk.
However infuriating the experience must have been to various road users, not to say downright dangerous, the joke may end up being at the expense of the brand. Reputation is something that takes a very long time to build up but is highly fragile and easily broken.
What's my point? I guess that people who openly represent brands, such as driving a vehicle with logo and contact details prominently displayed, need to watch their P's and Q's. In this case, the company concerned trades in the field of Sustainability Projects. Surely, I mused, sustainability begins with driving carefully, using as little fuel as possible and also showing respect for both human and animal life?
There's certainly no way I would have any respect left for a company whose officials behave like this and most probably many other road users have moved from being brand supporters to brand detractors.
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