Monday, May 4, 2015

How to destroy a brand in four easy steps

It's disheartening to notice that many brands stray from the high road brand image reinforcement route into short termism. If you really want to destroy your brand, you should do the following:

1. Appoint a low budget design company with a big mouth as your brand champion. There is no better way to set about destroying the value you have built into your brand over many years.
2. Start insisting that advertising must convert into immediate sales and cease advertising and other programmes that build long term brand equity.
3. Start over-writing clean uncluttered imagery with in-your-face, cheap-looking brand image elements and text headlines.
4. Stop talking to your market as sensible professionals and start talking price only.

If you practice any or all of the above, you are actively participating in the demise of your brand and also destroying the market. Of the first, your competitors will be pleased. Of the second, they will be annoyed but for only as long as you exist in the market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with all of the above points about how to destroy a brand. Thanks dear!

Affluence PR